
I have a question on my charges.

Click "My Account" to review your orders and account info. You might find a quick answer to questions about your recent orders. If you have further questions, use the easy Contact form to email or phone a helpful representative.

I need a copy of my receipt/invoice.

Click the "My Account / Order Status" link at the top right hand side of our site to print invoices.

When will my credit card be charged?

If you pay with a credit or debit card, an authorization is placed on the card at the time of purchase. When your order is reviewed and processed, the payment is finalized and charged. If there are changes to the order, the amount can be reduced and captured at the lower amount with a single charge and without the need for a refund.

For Preorders (products purchased that are not yet in stock), the authorization is made at time of order, and the payment is completed within 7 days. Beyond 7 days the authorization would expire and we would need to contact you for a new payment authorization.