Chess Supplies for Schools & Clubs

Chess House helps you source the ideal chess supplies for your school. Your inspiration along with the right tools will fuel a chess adventure that's fun and rewarding!

Start here for the best club chess sets and teaching supplies.

School purchasing made easy.

Over 70% of U.S. school districts already have access to Chess House as an approved vendor. Although purchases are normally made by credit card, Chess House offers a streamlined Purchase Order option for schools and educational institutions. If you wish to use your school's purchasing process, see placing an order with a PO.


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47 products

Chess Rules for Students - Bain - Book - Chess-House
Chess Rules for Students - Bain
Sale price$7.00 USD
Checkmate! Ideas for Students - Bain - Book - Chess-House
Checkmate! Ideas for Students - Bain
Sale price$8.00 USD
Heavy Club Chess Set
Sale price$27.00 USD
ChessHouse Club Chess Set - Chess Set - Chess-House
ChessHouse Club Chess Set
Sale price$14.50 USD
Quality Regulation Chess Set - Chess Set - Chess-House
Quality Regulation Chess Set
Sale price$19.50 USD
Save $1.50
Chess4Life Starter Set - Chess Set - Chess-House
Chess4Life Starter Set
Sale price$16.00 USD Regular price$17.50 USD
Basic Club Chess Set
Sale price$17.00 USD
Chess Tactics for Students - Bain - Book - Chess-House
Chess Tactics for Students - Bain
Sale price$21.00 USD
Chess Scoresheets - 100 games - Accessory - Chess-House
Chess Scoresheets - 100 games
Sale price$3.95 USD
Chess4Life Scorebook - Notation Pad to Record Your Chess Moves - Book - Chess-House
Chess4Life Wristbands - Accessory - Chess-House
Chess4Life Wristband
Sale price$0.95 USD
Save $4.95
28" Roll-up Vinyl Demo Board With Pieces - Chess Set - Chess-House
28" Roll-up Vinyl Demo Board With Pieces
Sale price$45.00 USD Regular price$49.95 USD
Knight Erasers - Award - Chess-House
Knight Erasers
Sale price$0.85 USD
Sold out
Chess Pencils - 5 Pack Assortment - Accessory - Chess-House
Chess Pencils - 5 Pack Assortment
Sale price$3.99 USD
Sold out
Pocket Chess - Chess Set - Chess-House
Pocket Chess
Sale price$7.95 USD Regular price$10.95 USD
Save $0.50
Chess Medals - Square Style - Award - Chess-House
Chess Medals - Square Style
Sale price$3.49 USD Regular price$3.99 USD
Save $0.50
Chess Medals - Round Style - Award - Chess-House
Chess Medals - Round Style
Sale price$3.49 USD Regular price$3.99 USD
Key Chain Bag Tag Chess Piece - Parts - Chess-House
Key Chain Bag Tag Chess Piece
Sale priceFrom $0.35 USD
Save $6.00
Key Chain Pieces (Set of 17) - Piece - Chess-House
Key Chain Pieces (Set of 17)
Sale price$8.99 USD Regular price$14.99 USD
Bulk Solid Plastic Individual Chess Pieces - Parts - Chess-House
Bulk Solid Plastic Individual Chess Pieces
Sale priceFrom $0.35 USD
Single Colored Chess Pieces - Club Style - Parts - Chess-House
Single Colored Chess Pieces - Club Style
Sale priceFrom $0.10 USD
27" Vinyl Slot-in Style Demo Board With Pieces
Sale price$35.00 USD
Sold out
Chess House Wristband - Play Chess - Accessory - Chess-House
Colorful Chess Wristbands - Play Chess
Sale price$0.95 USD
36" Roll-up Vinyl Demo Board With Pieces
Sale price$59.00 USD

The Chess4Life program is our most highly rated resource as this video demonstrates.

Why Chess

A 5-year study of 7th and 8th graders showed test scores improved 173% for students regularly engaged in chess classes, compared with only 4.56% for children participating in other forms of "enrichment activities"

Not only have the reading and math skills of these children soared, their ability to socialize has increased substantially Educators at the Roberto Clemente School (C.I.S. 166) in New York report that chess has improved not only academic scores, but social performance as well. In 1988, Joyce Brown, an assistant principal and supervisor of the school's Special Education department, and teacher Florence Mirin began studying the effect of chess on their Special Education students. When the study began, they had 15 children enrolled in chess classes; two years later they had 398. "The effects have been remarkable," Brown says. "Not only have the reading and math skills of these children soared, their ability to socialize has increased substantially, too. Our studies have shown that incidents of suspension. and outside altercations have decreased by at least 60% since these children became interested in chess."


I had a fabulous experience with ChessHouse for both my elementary school chess club needs and gifts for my son. The order was filled promptly and arrived quickly. The products were exactly as portrayed. Krista in customer service provided personal attention in troubleshooting a web order problem. I wouldn't hesitate to order from them again.
-Andrea, Chair, Elementary school chess club

Our gifted program uses the Quality Regulation Chess Set Combo for an annual Chess Tournament among all the gifted students. These sets are perfect for that event. We continue to use them throughout the school year to learn Chess. They are durable and we really like the vinyl boards and the bags. Thanks for making these available at an affordable price! When I order from Chess House, I am kept aware of the shipment date, the projected delivery date and the date of actual delivery. Krista is very friendly to work with. I've experienced no problems.
-Linda Gonzalez, Gifted Dept. Chair

We started a chess club at my sons school last year and I found to be a best company to deal with. The mark of a good company is not what they do when every thing goes fine, but how they respond to their costumers when things go wrong. Well, on the second order I received a chess set with a broken king, and a missing pawn. ChessHouse was quick to correct the order with speedy service. I have bought several chess sets, clocks, and books after that and will continue to use ChessHouse as my first choice.
-Bill Meyer

Excellent products at the right price. Shipment was fast, and I appreciated the follow up email (from an actual human being) inquiring me about my shipment. You should get a hard copy catalog so I can distribute to my colleagues (elementary school teachers). Looking forward to doing business again in the future.
-Mr. Mansfield

I love these guys. They are smart,passionate,creative, organized and looking to be even better. Their web site is uncluttered, simple and elegant. They are investing in My students at school and my grand-kids at home. And their products are as good as it gets. Prove it to your-self. I placed my first order based on what I saw and have been pleased each time. Chess enriches an already healthy life-style.

I started a critical thinking Class at my school and we use Chess to start to process off. Our school is very pleased with the price and product in these hard times. Personally I now get all my supplies from you guys.
-Tracy, Riverside Christian

I needed new chess equipment, and I decided to order from since I could also get a replacement piece I needed. Around the time the equipment would normally be delivered, I was going out of town, coming back, then going off to school for the rest of the summer, so I only had a 2-day window for the equipment to be delivered. I mentioned this in the comments alongside my order. After I placed the order, I received both a phone call and an email from a representative of regarding the delivery date. On the phone, the representative agreed to delay the shipment (which needed to go all the way across the country) a few days so it would arrive when I would be around. The shipment arrived (with everything in good condition) on the first day of my two-day window, and that day I also received an email making sure I had received the shipment.

I'm so happy I found I am a new gifted resource teacher at two different schools. I am starting a chess club at both schools and needed chess sets in a timely manner. has high quality chess sets with the grid for beginners for an inexpensive price - exactly what we needed! As soon as the order was placed I received personal updates from them to assure that I was satisfied with their service. I highly recommend them!